発表要旨/ Abstract

English will follow after Japanese

松尾馨 / Kaoru MATSUO

ドイツ:シュタインバート・ギムナジウム / Steinbart Gymnasium






[i] KMK (2005) Bildungsstandards für die erste Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für den Hauptschulabschluss.

[ii] KMK (2004) Bildungsstandards für die erste Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für den Mittleren Schulabschluss.

[iii] KMK (2014) Bildungsstandards für die fortgeführte Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für die Allgemeine Hochschulreife.

How are the ideas of the CEFR put into practice at German secondary schools?

While entering the 21st century, a shift from a "content-based" to a "competency-based" approach to teaching can be observed in many countries around the world. Likewise, a reform moving towards a competency-based form of teaching has been carried out in Germany in which "standards of education" have been implemented uniformly nationwide.

Concerning foreign language teaching, three "standards of education (English/French)" have been issued for the respective degrees of secondary school qualifications in Germany, lower secondary school leaving certificate (9th grade)[i], intermediate school-leaving qualification (10th grade)[ii] and general higher education entrance qualification (12th/13th grade)[iii]. Three points from those standards are of particular interest for us. First, due to the CEFR-based mindset, a break is stipulated from the "traditions of foreign language teaching at schools", which focused on vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures. Second, a strong emphasis is put on the training of intercultural communicative competences in order to teach students to become open-minded, forbearing and democratic citizens. Third, a change of the examination guidelines of the German Abiturprüfungen (school leaving examinations for the access to higher education) has been conducted.

This point of view was also taken as a basis for the teaching of languages other than English and French and has led to the establishment of detailed teaching guidelines for every foreign language taught at school in each federal state of Germany.Similarly, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, in which the presentation speaker is teaching, a "common-core syllabus" for the school subject Japanese has been issued and in 2017 the first school leaving examination under the new teaching guidelines was conducted.

What kind of impact does this reform have on classrooms in secondary schools? This presentation will give a report from the viewpoint of these places of education focusing on the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Also, it attempts to facilitate a discussion on the purpose of Japanese language teaching at the level of secondary education.

[i] KMK (2005) Bildungsstandards für die erste Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für den Hauptschulabschluss.

[ii] KMK (2004) Bildungsstandards für die erste Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für den Mittleren Schulabschluss.

[iii] KMK (2014) Bildungsstandards für die fortgeführte Fremdsprache (Englisch/Französisch) für die Allgemeine Hochschulreife.

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