発表要旨/ Abstract

English will follow after Japanese

東伴子 / Tomoko HIGASHI

フランス:グルノーブル・アルプ大学 / Université Grenoble Alpes






(2016) 『ヨーロッパの日本語教育における評価基準の共有の可能性と課題−大規模言語試験の分析からの考察』

Council of Europe (2017) Comme European Framework of Reference for language : learning,
teaching, assessment : Companion volumen with new descriptors


What is evaluation connecting secondary education, higher education, and societylike? - consideration from the Baccalaureate Japanese Examination

 The French Ministry of Education aims at making all students develop communicative abilities in at least two languages by the end of secondary education by implementing consistent foreign language education policy from elementary school to Baccalaureate, emphasizing that language learning plays an important role in the formation of citizenship, rich personality, and global perspective1. The 2013 revision of Baccalaureate's Foreign Language Exams introduced the CEFR scale and an evaluation table based on the CEFR descriptions. These revised exams emphasize many CEFR's ideas, for example, the inclusion of assessment tasks based on the cultural themes of high school curriculum and continuous assessment.

For Japanese, which is a non-European language, a new curriculum was compiled and a Baccalaureate test has been carried out, just like other foreign languages. Due to the reason that few secondary institutions offer Japanese language classes in France, many Japanese language students start taking Japanese language classes after entering universities. In recent years, however, Japanese has become a affectively familiar language for many young people through anime and video games and so on. For this reason, in addition to students taking high
school classes or correspondence courses, there are an increasing number of young people who have contact with Japanese language, for instance, on the Internet and made Japanese part of their own linguistic and cultural repertoire in various forms. Under these circumstances, what competences are students expected to acquire in Japanese learning of secondary school? In the higher education as well as in the real-world, which aspect of the learner's competences should
be taken into account for lifelong learning?

In order to respond to these questions, this presentation first examines the feature of Baccalaureate's foreign language examinations, especially, the format of Japanese examination and examples of topics, in order to explore the underlying philosophy of CEFR and the French view of language education, and clarify what competences are evaluated. Then, we point out the current situation in which the result of the Baccalaureate's evaluation and language learning curriculum in the higher education are not well articulated and discuss the necessity of
consistent evaluation. Finally, we explore the benefits and possibilities of evaluating language abilities focusing on "competences to build on plurilingual and pluricultural repertoire" and "competences to participate in society as a linguistic and cultural mediator" from secondary
education, especially, in learning Japanese, which is a non-European language.


AJE-CEFR Project evaluation criteria group (2016) 『ヨーロッパの日本語教育における評価基準の共有の可能性と課題−大規模言語試験の分析からの考察 (possibility of sharing evaluation criteria and problem in Japanese language education in Europe -consideration from analysis of language certificates 』  

Council of Europe (2017) Comme European Framework of Reference for language : learning,
teaching, assessment : Companion volumen with new descriptors

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