発表要旨/ Abstract

English will follow after Japanese

ジャン・バザンテ / Jean BAZANTAY

フランス:INaLCO, フランス国立東洋言語文化大学 / National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations






What is required from Japanese teachers in secondary schools: From the perspective of teacher training

Teachers' background (country of origin, education, teaching experiences, etc.) shapes their beliefs about education and, consequently, has a substantial impact on their class rooms practices. In this short presentation, I will discuss several issues of Japanese language education in the French secondary education system from the point of view of teachers in charge of it. I will review how Japanese teachers are trained at University, recruited by the Ministry of education and what skills and abilities are today required from Japanese teachers in French schools.

I will start by mapping out the profile of Japanese teachers in the French secondary education system. Although recruitment of holders of national qualifications as regular teachers with public servant status is the principle, figures will describe a slightly different situation. In reality Japanese language education is still highly dependent on the activity of Japanese contract lecturers who often lack specialized training in language education or personal knowledge of the French educational culture.

Then, I will present the Japanese language education Master course established three years ago at INaLCO and Paris Diderot University. It is one of the first university courses aiming at training Japanese teachers in France, and maybe in Europe. I will present the contents of the curriculum and explain some choices with regard to the adoption, in 2007, of new guidelines defined on the basis on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). These new guidelines have indeed substantially modified the goals and the way of teaching foreign languages in the secondary system and require specific knowledge and savoir faire from teachers. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that didactic thinking and practices are now more advanced in secondary education than university.

From our experience as a member of the guidelines committee, I will finally look back on the possibilities and limitations of the application of the CEFR for Japanese language education in secondary schools.

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