発表要旨/ Abstract

English will follow after Japanese

カレン・ラドック / Karen RUDDOCK


/ Post-Primary Languages Initiative, Department of Education and skills in Ireland






A Framework for Junior Cycle 2015, Department of Education and Skills.

Junior Cycle Short Course in Japanese, Post-Primary Languages Initiative.

New directions in the teaching of Japanese in second-level schools in Ireland

In Ireland, a new curriculum for lower second-level education has recently been introduced. New specifications in languages include sociocultural knowledge and intercultural awareness in addition to communicative competence, language awareness, and digital literacy. These strands are designed to be interwoven and correspond closely with the CEFR although they were not designed to do so. This enables students to develop all aspects of language learning as they progress through the course, however this is not how the curriculum is designed at upper secondary level.

In the case of Japanese, at lower secondary students reflect on values, beliefs, attitudes,
customs and traditions in cultures associated with Japanese and in comparison with their own cultural identity. Students learn to appreciate and respect cultural differences both within the target culture and in their home culture. Specifically, students learn about stereotypes, and investigate how to distinguish between fact and opinion; they learn how to identify similarities and differences between Japan and their own country; to explore diversity within Japan; and to explore critically underlying attitudes and beliefs that they may have. At upper secondary students are focussed on getting a good exam grade.

The traditional foreign languages taught in Ireland have been European and the learning of
Japanese is seen as an opportunity to experience something different. Japan has been seen as distant and exotic and the emphasis in the new course is to provide an opportunity to engage in a meaningful sense with the Japanese language and culture. Simultaneously, the learner develops an awareness of the place of Japan on the international stage, and awareness in general of the diversity that exists in the global context.

Some challenges that mitigate against the implementation of this course will also be presented, as well as possible solutions. 

A Framework for Junior Cycle 2015, Department of Education and Skills.

Junior Cycle Short Course in Japanese, Post-Primary Languages Initiative.

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